Ayahuasca Testimonial

What was my personal experience of Ayahuasca sacred plant medicine? Did I have a full on psychedelic peak experience that all is one? No. But I did have healing on a more physical level which has never come about in … Continued

Ayahuasca Day Seven

This photo was taken after we’d just arrived in Kapitari after the hot and humid walk from the boat. I named this little Love Bird Albert, although he probably had a more romantic and Peruvian name than that. I will … Continued

Ayahuasca Day Six

These fabulous men were always available to help out whether we needed a hand to the toilets during an Ayahuasca ceremony when standing on our own two feet was a bit of a challenge, when leaving Kapitari in mud which … Continued

Ayahuasca Day Five and a Half

It’s after lunch on the last Ayahuasca Day and it’s clear as day how little I want to imbibe the Ayahuasca brew for a fourth time even though I’m getting some classy stuff coming through. I’d remembered an image from … Continued